Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mid-Summer Unity newsletter

Unity -- July 30, 2010

215 Certificated members meet to discuss District proposal
Thanks to the efforts of Association Reps, phone bankers, and rank and filers, 215 certificated members attended focus groups this week. They represented 31 elementaries, 8 middle schools, 10 high schools, 5 K-8's and 5 programs. The participants stepped through a multi-layered District proposal to tie the new evaluation system to student growth determined by test scores. The participants were focused, thoughtful and serious about the feedback they gave. The SEA staff is synthesizing the results now – look for a Bargaining Update that will share the outcomes. “I was extremely impressed with our members’ focus on the issues,” said SEA Vice President Jonathan Knapp “and how much they reflected upon the impact those proposals would have on student achievement.”

Here are other reasons you can be proud to be a union member.

Don Kennedy’s email doesn't apply to SEA members
Chief Financial Officer, Don Kennedy, sent out an email July 23 stating that “Unless required by our collective bargaining agreements, step pay increases will not be given next year.” This applies to non-represented employees, not SEA-represented employees.
The Association has not agreed to any freeze of step pay increases, so SEA-represented employees will receive a step increase next year. There has been no proposal to freeze steps proposed at the bargaining table.
Union employees are protected by their collective bargaining agreements from sudden decisions like this.

Bilingual Instructional Assistants win reclassification: SP Grade 18 to SP Grade 19
The Bilingual IA job description for Bilingual Assistants was reviewed based on the Job Measurement System in the Paraprofessional Collective Bargaining Agreement. The points in the area of job Complexity, increased the total number of points for their job title, which resulted in the pay grade change from SP Grade 18 to SP Grade 19 effective September 1, 2010. All SEA represented Bilingual Instructional Assistants will see this pay grade increase on their October 1 paycheck.

$89 Overpayment due certs on September 1
The state funds the basic salaries of educators each year. As the year ended, SEA discovered the District was out of compliance with the funding allocated for certificated staff. After meeting with the District, each certificated staff will be getting “rollup” pay of $89 on the September 1, 2010 pay warrant. This is a right under our collective bargaining agreement.

General Membership Meeting
Thursday, September 2, 2010
4:30, Seattle Pacific University – Royal Brougham Pavilion
3414 Third Ave West (@ W. Nickerson)

Foreclosure prevention assistance available
In these difficult economic times many of you may be needing assistance with your mortgages. Seattle Education Association is part of a network of community institutions, Sound Alliance, whose members have identified housing as an important issue to its collective members. Some of the members of this Alliance have been working on all of our behalf to provide Foreclosure Prevention Assistance. Click here to find out more details.